Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We Can Not Allow the Fire to Die in the Young!!

I just watched youth pour their hearts out in song for Christ all weekend at Greater Indy Chrysalis Flights #43 and #44. I watched what reaches them, and found relating to them easy.  With selections including music right from the radio mixed in with more traditional contemporary and old hymns, we created a space which had an exceptional effect on our potential for high energy--in all of us! 

The message all weekend was of the same Christ we all know and love; the presentation was even very school-like, with listening, discussing, note-taking, reporting out, but the addition of music weaving through the whole day and including that kind which they related to naturally helped them . . . relate!! This is not difficult to understand . . . 

What is this stubborness that makes us matured adults think we must only permit  services with music from our generations?  What are we so afraid will happen?  No one kind of music is going to prevail over all any more than it ever has.  Parishioners who do not relate to rock style presentations are free to attend other services. Sometimes I think we are afraid our passion will show, like the spirit within us is something we need to keep hidden, when showing spirit is what makes it grow stronger--like a plant exposed to the sun! 

I used to go to my church's traditional service for thoughtful prayer, meditation, edification in the Word, soul centering, then go to our church's contemporary service for renewal and empowerment. Now, our contemporary service, which used to be filled with singing, participating young people is devoid of the youth, with carefully styled contemporary songs . . . and fabulous musicians . . . but is the same as the traditional . . . I no longer go very much since I attended earlier in the day. The missing youth, who seem to demand, over all,  simple passion in music presentation, have taken the uncommon energy with them.

I get that power on the way home--singing in the car--from radio music, or CDs. Maybe that is okay, too . . . except . . . there is no community in that power, alone in my car, as it were. So, though I find energy to prop my faith, I long for the exquisite, long lasting power of community members reveling together in the innocent energy of young souls! I miss it. 

Maybe the answer is to ensure all of our young people attend and then after volunteer for Chrysalis Flights!  I will be there as often as I can.     Fly With Christ

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