Saturday, May 4, 2013

You Come, Too

What Would it Hurt?

2 Chronicles 7:14 - NIV
            . . . if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I hope we all go to Heaven together. I hope to see and be with everyone I love, everyone I ever enjoyed, shared and taught with or otherwise walked this life with here on earth. I look forward to spending eternity with hundreds of people I love, people I know will be there with me, and I grieve for those God has yet to convince; and sometimes I even chase them a little, which I know is not my place, but God’s place; not my way, but His. It’s only because I love them so . . . but none of us can change people. People have to change themselves. Chasing only makes others run.

After a lifetime of personal discernment and study of existence, people, this world and what it all means, I have faith in the one true God. I believe:
            • the Bible is a record of TRUTH,
            • that Jesus Christ IS the Son of God,
            • that though knowing Him, we will share all of eternity together
                        • happily free of the pain and suffering of this world,
                        • safely free of our egos,
                        • blissfully enjoying the people and activities we hold dear.
I trust Him.
I believe God holds all of existence in the universe and the space in between
and that He has tried, as any cherishing parent, everything He can think of to keep us happy and safe,
            • but we keep messing up, so:
                        • He sent His SON to speak directly to us human face to human face,
                        • and finally, I believe God had to allow His SON to die in order to finally                                                 • save us from OURSELVES.

This is what I believe. If those who do not believe gave this a try  . . . what would it hurt?

Beth Lively
May 4, 2013