Sunday, January 16, 2011

Drowning in Love

I gasp for air amid the flood of tears
Rabid breaths that show no foam . . .

This is our home!  This is OUR stuff!

Sobs well up inside me
So deeply
I vomit them out,
Retching, wailing
Sucks of air
That exhaust my body
And drain my soul.
I cry silently,
Mouth wide open
Unable to breathe,
Until finally

We bag her up slowly.

I loving pull clothing out of drawers
Sweaters she cherished
T-shirts so clever
She had to beam
Every time she pulled them
Over her ample breasts,
Others that mark
Everyplace we’ve ever been
(and every size she ever was!)
some of them so precious
so painted with memories
of her, of us,
I put them back in the drawers
Priceless art to me,
Soft, secret, silent
Souvenirs of a sweetheart.

And the twenty-year-old
Skinny frail little
Tiger cat Abby
Who spent every evening
For twenty years
Curled above her head
On the back of the couch;
Who watched
I don’t know
How many
Episodes of
Wheel of Fortune
How many
Matches of
Who never had
Even one chance
To answer a
Single question;

Yowls and yowls and yowls
Mournfully, incessantly
All day long
And into the night
And early every morning
Crying for a lost love
On which to rest her
Weary bones.

And I . .
I watch her carried out
In bags and boxes
Hauled out
Luggled out
By loving, well meaning
Caring, grieving
Family and intimate friends
I watch as her
Favorite soaps
Are so much junk, now;
How her keepsakes
Are tossed in
(can’t keep everything,
for pity’s sake)
her hats
that kept her
chemo-bald head
warm in the
only winter
she had left;
and the fishing
hats she wore
the last summer
our last summer
 the one we didn’t know
would be the last.

We looked at pictures
We looked at cards and
Old letters
We looked at
A life
Torn out of
Its home
Like a turtle
Ripped from the shell
And what do you
Have then?!
Only so much dead meat to

Which is in a beautiful
Too expensive blue cloisonné’ urn
Set loving amid
Family photos
And a picture of

Lively 2010

Ox E Moron

And so I lift the yoke
carefully, lovingly,
and with some effort
place it smoothly, firmly
on my waiting shoulders;
where I straighten it
slowly, respectfully
until it feels
balanced and bearable
wearable and terrible
and I lift my neck
my eyes to God
above me
see God around me
know God is in me
and I limp
back to

Lively 2009

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Holy Spirit in a Poet's Heart

Sonnet #3   I Love How Winter

I love how winter settles in to swaddle living earth,
Tucking every flower in to wait for their new birth.
I love the way the winter sun shines warm from distant sky,
Its rays bring hope of days to come where newborn green will lie.
I love the hoar frost clinging to the empty limbs of trees,
It shimmers on the naked growth then greets the sun and leaves.
I love the way the snow comes down, each flake original art,
To blanket every single thing and warm my aching heart.
Winter, in her cold and ice, brings Heaven’s warmth to me,
Beneath her fridge wonderland, lies all eternity.

Lively 12/2010